Produktmanagement und Einkauf bei Carl Götz
Sperrholz | Plywood
Sperrholz Polen | Sperrholz Dekorativ
Plywood Poland | Plywood decorative
Sperrholz Russland | Nadelholz Europa Russland | Sperrholz Laubholz Italien | Spanien
Plywood Russia | Softwood Europe Russia | Plywood Hardwood Italy | Spain
Sperrholz Laubholz Rumänien | Tschechien | Balkan
Plywood Hardwood Romania | Czech Republic | Balkans
Sperrholz Dekorativ
Plywood decorative
Schnittholz | Lumber
Europäisches Schnittholz
European Lumber
Fensterholz und Schnittholz Süd-Ostasien
Window scantlings and Lumber from South-East-Asia
Fensterholz und Schnittholz Süd-Ostasien
Window scantlings and Lumber South-East-Asia
Edge glued panels hardwood
Edge glued panels hardwood
Rundholz und Schnittholz USA
Logs and Lumber USA
Türen | Doors
Stahltüren | Stahlzargen
Steel doors | Steel frames
Böden | Floors
Böden | Zubehör Böden
Floors | equipment floors
Holzbau | Timber construction
Nadelholzplatten | Dämmung | Terrasse | OSB
Softwood Board | Insolution | Decking | OSB
KVH | BSH | Hobelware
Finger jointed structural timber | glue laminated timber | planed goods
Bauholz | Kantholz | Latten | Schalung
Building Timber, Laths, Square timber
CPL | HPL | Folien | Furniere
CPL | HPL | Films
CPL | HPL | Folien | Furniere
CPL | HPL | Films
CPL | HPL | Folien | Furniere
CPL | HPL | Films
Front door blanks
Böden | Zubehör Böden
Floors | equipment floors
Dekorative Holzwerkstoffe | Decorative wood materials
Dekorative Holzwerkstoffe
Decorative wood materials
Edelfurnierte Platten
Veneered panels
Kompaktplatten | Akustik | Sauna
Compact panels | Acoustics | Sauna
Kompaktplatten | Akustik | Sauna
Compact panels | Acoustics | Sauna
Product Management and Purchasing at Carl Götz
Carl Götz is an innovative company that is open to new suppliers and product ranges. Our product managers listed below will be pleased to answer any questions you may have.